Environmental simulation

Plastics are subject to a variety of environmental influences, such as temperatures, chemicals or sunlight, throughout their entire service life. These influence their performance, their service life and their functionality.

In order to prevent premature failure, we examine the various environmental influences in advance.

Our accredited environmental simulation laboratory offers a variety of standardized and individual tests.

In our accredited laboratory we carry out solar simulation, weathering test, climate test and temperature test. We support our customers in series monitoring, initial sample testing, testing and in the event of damage.

Several xenon chambers, climatic chambers, temperature shock chambers and salt spray chambers are available in our plastics laboratory for processing customer orders.

Range of services: Temperature shock tests for the rapid transfer of test specimens from a lower test temperature to an upper test temperature
Climate tests to simulate changing climatic conditions
Xenon tests for time-accelerated laboratory weathering to simulate damage caused by moisture, full-spectrum sunlight, and high temperatures.
Color measurement to determine the color and gloss effect before and after exposure
Emission measurement as well as the determination of odor behavior
outdoor exposure

Umweltsimulation Kunststoff

Temperature and climate test

Your product is exposed to changing climatic conditions that can occur during its product life? We simulate the influences that can change service life, functionality and properties.



Weather resistance and durability are in most cases a basic requirement for products and materials that are used outdoors. We offer Florida/Arizona outdoor exposure, UV exposure testing, or cyclic exposure testing.


Solar simulation

Yellowing, fading, clouding or cracking can cause damage both outdoors and indoors. With our xenon test chamber, we can perform time-accelerated laboratory weathering to simulate damage caused by moisture, full-spectrum sunlight, and high temperatures.


emission measurement

In addition to determining the odor behavior, we offer different analysis systems (e.g.: LC-MS, HS-GC-MS & thermal desorption GC-MS) to identify individual substances and to determine their emission behavior under changing environmental conditions, such as different temperatures in a climate chamber.

  • Service

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Dielectric strength according to DIN EN 60243-2

Determination of the dielectric strength of insulating materials.

Further Informations


DIN EN 60243-2:2014-08


Dr. Ulrike Rantzsch

+49 341 392981 68

Laboratory weathering using xenon arc appliance ASTM G155

Simulation of sunlight and moisture as rain or dew.

Further Informations



Dr. Ulrike Rantzsch

+49 341 392981 68

Künstliche Bewitterung:

Artificial irradiation or weathering according to DIN EN ISO 4892-2

Test method for accelerated weathering using xenon arc lamps.

Further Informations


DIN EN ISO 4892-2:2013-06


Dr. Christian Schurig

+49 341 392981 68


Colour fastness test according to DIN EN ISO 105-B04

Test method for evaluating colour fastness to artificial weathering: xenon arc light.

Further Informations


DIN EN ISO 105-B04:1997-05


Dr. Christian Schurig

+49 341 392981 68

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