Condensation water constant climate test according to AA-0213

The test is used to assess the resistance of vehicle paintwork and vehicle add-on parts to high humidity. It applies worldwide to all process partners and suppliers of the BMW Group. The sample conditioning for plastic coatings takes place for 7 days at room temperature. Sample conditioning for metal substrates is at least 2 days at room temperature.
The condensation water constant climate test is carried out according to DIN EN ISO 6270-2. Before starting the test, a cross-cut test is carried out according to AA-0180. In order to detect discolouration, staining, etc., a comparison with the zero sample is necessary. For this purpose, partial sticking is done with an adhesive tape. The test duration results from the respective product specification (Group Standard).
Test chamber volume: 990l, Max. sample size (H x W) Test item size (H x W x D, in cm): approx. 90x 90x 90

Ansprechpartner Vertrieb
Max Diedering
+49 8106 9941 14