
Materials, components and products are always needed – and with innovations in material technology, our customers have an advantage. GWP, as a materials science full-service provider with regard to materials and services, provides you with the necessary knowledge.

Our services go far beyond the area of plastics testing. As a complete supplier of materials technology, we develop innovations and analyze damage at a high level.

More than 40 years of experience and an extreme customer orientation has created a complex diversification and we know that suitable combinations create huge customer benefits. Our service portfolio covers all phases of the product lifecycle, from expert advice to laboratory tests and training.

In short, knowledge creates progress©.

Your plastics experts

Dr. Julius Nickl

Experte für industrielle Prozesse & Produkte, Forschung & Entwicklung
zum Expertenprofil

Dr. Michael Ziegltrum

Experte für Kunststoff-Verarbeitung, Schadensgutachten
zum Expertenprofil

Dr. Thomas Reith

Experte für Kunststoffanalytik

Dr. Stefan Loibl

Experte für Composits, Schadensanalytik

Current expert topics